Wednesday 26 October 2011

Finally ...... THE BUMP......

..... has arrived.

Beccy and I are very happy to announce the arrival of Oscar Gault into the world on Saturday 22nd October 2011.
The tour will live on in his name........

Beccy and Darcy looking very happy with Oscar

Friday 21 October 2011

Total Sponsorship Money Raised £6101.00

Stage 01
Bellavally Gap
MAGNIFICENT we have been able to raise over £6000.00 for Omagh's local branches of Leonard Cheshire Disability and Multiple Sclerosis Society.  Many many thanks to everyone who has supported me on my challange and kindly sponsored me. You have been very generous.

A heart felt thanks from me and all the people who will benifit from the help the charities will now be able to give them.

If anyone is still interested in parting with their hard earned cash the sponsorship web site will be open for one more week.

Stage 21
Let the Dance Begin
Sculpture by Maurice Harron
At the boarder between Lifford & Strabane

P.S. The bump is still a bump (due date 12th Oct.) ......... any hour now it is going to pop out to let us know if it's a boy or a girl.    ☺   Must go.........

Leonard Cheshire Disability (LCD)

Omagh LCD, Get Going Disability Resourse Centre

Multiple Sclerosis Society

Monday 3 October 2011

Media Exposure 03

'Article from Tyrone Constitution September 2011'
Many thanks to Ciara Maguire for writing the article.

Anyone who is still interested, it will be possible to sponsor me at for a few more weeks (trying to raise £6K.....cyrrently at £5,742.50). A heartfelt thanks from my Mum, other MS sufferers and me to all the people who have sponsored me so far.