Elenor Gault

Elenor Gault & Darcy Gault
My Mum, Elenor Gault, lives in Omagh Co.Tyrone and is the inspiration for my "Cycle Tour of Ireland". She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1972 and continues to this day to inspire me and everyone she meets with her positive and "never give up" attitude towards living with Multiple Sclerosis.  

My Cycle Tour of Ireland is a self funded and self organised 1500 mile sponsored cycle challenge around the 32 counties north and south of Ireland to help raise funds and awareness for Multiple Sclerosis. All the money raised will be donated to Omagh's local branches of two charities, Multiple Sclerosis Society and Leonard Cheshire Disability, who have supported my Mum, and and other Multiple Sclerosis suffers over the years. These charities help them live in their own homes, teach them new skills and provide opportunities to enjoy local community life, all things that we all take for granted.  

The cycle starts at my Mum's house in Omagh on 22nd August 2011 and finishes on 14th September 2011 at Omagh, Strule Arts Centre. I will cycle an avergae of 70mile a day for 21 days. You can watch my progress and give your sponsorship on www.cycletourofireland.blogspot.com.

Please give as generously as you can via www.virginmoneygiving.com – a heartfelt thanks from my Mum, other MS sufferers and me.