Wednesday 31 August 2011


…. and I am only at Stage 9 of 21.

Once again thanks to everyone who has sponsored my cycle so far. The current Sponsorship Total = £2,273 (including gift aid). Full details of who has sponsored me are listed on . Is any one else interested in parting with their hard earned cash? If yes, you can donate your money via the above web site.

As you can see the support team (nothing to report on the bump) and I have made it to Stage 09. With my legs knackered from 9 days, 720miles (1,171km)  and the saddle soars throbbing, today (Wed 31st August) has turned into a rescheduled rest day. I will now have one less rest day at Wicklow.

For an update on the miles / km completed and time in the saddle see below.

STAGE 09 - Co.Kerry & Cork

Start of Stage 09 at Donoghues, White Villa Farm Caravan & Camping Park

Stage 09 - Map

Start: Co. Kerry, Donoghues White Villa Farm Caravan & Camping Park
Via: Co. Cork, Cork
Finish: Co. Cork, Dungarvan, Bayview Caravan & Camping Park

Date: 30th August 2011
Time (in saddle): 8hrs 37min
Distance: 115miles
My new PB for distance on a bike. Legs are dead.

At the border of Co.Cork. The hedge could do with a trim.

At Banteer, just before my climb into Boggeragh Mountains, I came across a sculpture of Dr Pat O'Callaghan who won Olympic Gold Medals for the Hammer event at the Amsterdam 1928 and Los Angeles 1932 Olympics. Very impressive.'Callaghan
At Cork city I met the ladies at the Tourist Information Office who stamped the Stage 09 map and kindly sponsored me 5.62. Many thanks.

From left to right we have Denise, Beccy, Margaret and baby Colin. Thanks for your support ladies.
There is a theme in this picture, can anyone spot it?

On the way into Dungarvan I came across a few references to Sean Kelly, Irish cycling super star.

It was pitch black by the time I arived in Dungarvan. ........... and boy I am ready for a rest.

Please give as generously as you can via – a heartfelt thanks from my Mum, other MS sufferers and me.

STAGE 08 - Co.Limerick & Kerry

Start of Stage 08 at Curragh Chase, Coillte Forest Park

Stage 08 - Map

Start: Co. Limerick, Curragh Chase, Coillte Forest Park
Via: Co. Kerry, Tralee
Finish: Co. Kerry, Donoghues White Villa Farm Caravan & Camping Park

Date: 29th August 2011
Time (in saddle): 5hrs 45min
Distance: 74miles

At Tralee TIO I met Mary O’Shea who kindly signed my Stage 08 map.

Video of climb up eastern edge of Slieve Mish Mountains, south of Tralee.

On the way into Killarney I cycled passed Killarney Golf & Fishing Club. Opposite the entrance was a massive billboard left over from the Irish Open in July congratulating Darren Clarke and Rory McIlory on being the current holders of the British Open and US open respectively. Who would have ever thought that over the last year wee N.Ireland would become the super power of golf (this includes Graeme McDowell). Congratulations lads very impressive....hope you can win more.

STAGE 07 - Co. Clare, Tipperary(N) & Limerick

Start of Stage 07, leaving Mountshannon after a comfortable stay at Mountshannon Hotel. 

Stage 07 - Map

Start: Co. Clare, Mountshannon Hotel
Via: Co. Tipperary (N), Nenagh
Via: Co. Limerick, Limerick
Finish: Co. Limerick, Curragh Chase, Coillte Forest Park

Date: 28th August 2011
Time (in saddle): 5hrs 16min
Distance: 73miles

I stopped at Killaloe to take a photo of the bridge over the River Shannon and guess who I spotted standing over my right shoulder?
 I have enlarged the photo for you..........its Keith Woods, ex Ireland hooker from 1994 to 2003. I would love to have gone over and said hello but I couldn't bring myself around to disturbing his Sunday morning.

My map reading went a bit wrong today and I ended up taking the N7 into Nenagh (missed out on a cycle around Lough Derg).

With it being Sunday the Tourist Information Office was closed.

View coming out of Nenagh looking towards Silvermine Mountains.
To get up the mountain (didn't think it looked to bad on the map) there was a short by steep climb (up to Killoscully) were I needed to use the lowest gear to get up. It nearly broke me.

At Limerick TIO I met Michelle Crowley who signed my map and also introduced me to the fact Limerick is the European City of Sport 2011.
The end of Stage 07. Resting my weary legs at Curragh Chase, Coillte Forest Park.

STAGE 06 - Co. Galway & Clare

Start of Stage 6. Beccy + bump and me.
Darcy has decided that cycling with me on this stage is a bad idea and has done a runner.

Stage 6 Map

Start: Co. Galway Salthill Caravan & Camping Park
Via: Co. Clare, Ennis
Finish: Co. Clare, Mountshannon Hotel

           Date: 27th August 2011
Time (in saddle): 5hrs 25min
Distance: 77miles

I met Colum at Christie Galway TIO who kindly signed my map.
Thanks for calling Killaloe Tourist Information and enquired regarding campsite availability next to Lough Derg. Prevented us from waisting valuable travel / cycling time.

At Kinvarra I met a lovely American. See went off to have a look around Kinvarra Castle and I headed towards Burren National Park.

The rugged landscape of Co.Clare with Gortaclare Mountains in the background.

My laboured cycle through the Burren National Park was made worse by the pot holes in the country lanes. A hard days cycle.
Hummm .....we are doing both (driving a campervan and cycling). We are "offsetting" our carbon foot print (see .... guilt free travelling).

At Ennis Tourist Information Office Emma Gaylor kindly signed my map but was camera shy, so her willing colleague stood in the photo (sorry didn't get her name). Good luck ladies with your studies.

STAGE 05 - Co.Mayo & Galway

Start of Stage 05 at Westport House & Adventure Park, Co. Mayo
(Sorry Seb, this picture was taken before you kindly sponsored me requesting "all future photos on the blog will be shot from above the waist".......I think Darcy agrees with you. ;-|)   )

Stage 5 Map

Start: Co. Mayo, West Port House Caravan & Camping Park
Via: Co. Galway, Maam
Finish: Co. Galway, Salthill Caravan & Camping Park

Date: 26th August 2011
Time (in saddle): 5hrs 46min
Distance: 87miles

Today the scenery was spectacular. Mweelrea Mountains near Delphi

I didn’t having a county town to pass through today but came across Maam Tourist Information. I met Nuala Murphy who took my photo and sponsored me €6. Many thanks Nuala.

Entering Co.Galway

These orange wild flowers were everywhere today. I have found out they are called "Montbretia". More info can be found at:
With Darcy at the end of Stage 05 standing at our pitch in Salthill Caravan Park just outside Galway City.

Monday 29 August 2011

STAGE 04 - Co.Roscommon & Mayo

Darcy and I at the start of Stage 04

Stage 04 - Map

Start: Co. Roscommon, Hodson Bay, Lough Ree
Via: Co. Mayo, Castlebar
Finish: Co. Mayo, West Port House Caravan & Camping Park

Date: 25th August 2011
Time: 7hrs 13min (in saddle)
Distance: 103miles
This is the first time I have ever cycled 100 plus miles.

Me at Castlebar Tourist Information Office.

Stone walls for as far as the eye could see.

Finishing my 102mile cycle. Ready to lie down.

STAGE 03 - Co.Leitrim, Longford & Roscommon

Final adjustments for Stage 03 route

Stage 03 - Map

Start: Co. Leitrim, Lough Rynn Castle
Via: Co. Longford, Longford
Via: Co. Roscommon. Roscommon
Finish: Hodson Bay, Lough Ree

Date: 24th August 2011 
Time: 2hrs 41min (in saddle)
Distance: 36.31miles

I ended up going to both Longford and Roscommon today. This slight change to the original plans was due to us desperately trying to find WiFi. In the end we did but it was at an alternative camp site further from Roscommon.

At Longford Tourist Information I met Anna Delaney who kindly signed my map and gave me loads of good advice on local things to see.

Unfortunately due to Darcy having a field day in the puddles at Lough Rynn (see photo below) Beccy and Darcy didn’t make it to Longford Tourist Information to get all the info. Anna has on the local area. We will have to come back again some time.

An example of people’s generosity, Beccy met a man at Lough Rynn campsite and after a wee chat he gave us 20Euro sponsorship. Thanks to that man (we didn’t get his name).

Darcy just about to fall over
I met a lovely lady called Patsy Burke at Roscommon Tourist Information who also happed to be the Secretary of Roscommon Branch of The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland. Patsy thanks for ringing through to the camp site (hotel next to the campsite) to see if it had WiFi.

MS Ireland, National Office,
80 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4
MS Information Line: 1850 233 233

More photos to come (if I can find time)

STAGE 02 - Co.Sligo & Leitrim

Start of Stage 02 at Standhill Caravn & Camping Park

Stage 02 - Map

Start: Co. Sligo: Strandhill Caravan & Camping Park
Via: Co. Leitrim: Carrick on Shannon
Finish: Lough Rynn Castle

Date: Tuesday 23rd August 2011
Time: 5hrs 15min (in saddle)
Distance: 63miles

Some of the village / town names I came across today.

In Co.Leitrim

Lough Meelagh

At Carrick-on-Shannon Tourist Information we met the very happy Ciara Compton who was happy to sign my map and also kindly sponsored us 5Euro. Ciara thank you very much.

Beccy (+bump) and Darcy at Carrick-on-Shannon marina

Whilst setting myself up for a photo at Mohill welcome sign Kieran O’Beirne (who was tending his front garden) approached me asking if I would like my photo taken. He not only took my photo but also sponsored me 20Euro. Kieran thank you very much.

He also suggested I call in to “Leitrim Association of People with Disabilities” ( Station Road, Mohill) who have a number of Multiple Sclerosis suffers on their books. This wasn’t the only MS connection, as I later found out the founder of LAPWD Marie McGuinness suffers from MS herself. Marie the best of luck to you and LAPWD in the future.

Today I had the challenge of cycling mile after mile on stone chips on the side of the road. It’s a little bit like ice skating for a bike, one wrong move and you are on your back. It is either learn how to “stone chip skate” or be flattened by a vehicle passing at 60mph. It has kept me focused.