Monday 29 August 2011

STAGE 03 - Co.Leitrim, Longford & Roscommon

Final adjustments for Stage 03 route

Stage 03 - Map

Start: Co. Leitrim, Lough Rynn Castle
Via: Co. Longford, Longford
Via: Co. Roscommon. Roscommon
Finish: Hodson Bay, Lough Ree

Date: 24th August 2011 
Time: 2hrs 41min (in saddle)
Distance: 36.31miles

I ended up going to both Longford and Roscommon today. This slight change to the original plans was due to us desperately trying to find WiFi. In the end we did but it was at an alternative camp site further from Roscommon.

At Longford Tourist Information I met Anna Delaney who kindly signed my map and gave me loads of good advice on local things to see.

Unfortunately due to Darcy having a field day in the puddles at Lough Rynn (see photo below) Beccy and Darcy didn’t make it to Longford Tourist Information to get all the info. Anna has on the local area. We will have to come back again some time.

An example of people’s generosity, Beccy met a man at Lough Rynn campsite and after a wee chat he gave us 20Euro sponsorship. Thanks to that man (we didn’t get his name).

Darcy just about to fall over
I met a lovely lady called Patsy Burke at Roscommon Tourist Information who also happed to be the Secretary of Roscommon Branch of The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland. Patsy thanks for ringing through to the camp site (hotel next to the campsite) to see if it had WiFi.

MS Ireland, National Office,
80 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4
MS Information Line: 1850 233 233

More photos to come (if I can find time)

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