Wednesday 24 August 2011

HELLO …We are still alive!

River Shannon (Lanesborough)

Firstly, thank you very much to everyone who has sponsored me so far. At the moment the sponsorship monies total is at 1,583.76 pounds (including gift aid).  Brilliant thank you very much. BUT I am keen to raise more. If there are any more people interested in helping Multiple Sclerosis Society and Leonard Cheshire Disability feel free to sponsor me via the link on this web page or
Secondly, sorry for the lack of updates on the web site. I have had a serious lack of WiFi connection. You will now see I have added a few blogs on our travels to N.Ireland (via Conwy, Liverpool & Dublin) and the first stage of the sponsored cycle (I was planning to upload all three stages completed so far but ran out of time.....we needed to go to sleep).

Also Niall has informed me (via Virgin Money Giving web site) a sweep stake has been set up in the office on how many punctures I will get. Now I think this is poor form to all the people involved (I can guess who these people are)….…….BUT it did make me laugh. I was considering giving an update on the number of punctures so far but I really think the participants should part with a load of sponsorship money (Niall has set a very good example to you all). Part with a load of sponsorship money and I will give you an update.

Thanks for all your support, it has helped me keep the pedals turning.


Please give as generously as you can via – a heartfelt thanks from my Mum, other MS sufferers and me.

1 comment:

  1. Ian (Ledge), Bex, Darcy and Bump,

    We're very proud of you guys! Hope it hasn't been too wet - I think it snowed briefly here today!!

    We haven't yet sponsored you but it's coming!

    Keep those wee Norn Irish legs going...amazing feat to just think about doing it!!

    Lots of love, P & J xxx
