Wednesday 31 August 2011

STAGE 05 - Co.Mayo & Galway

Start of Stage 05 at Westport House & Adventure Park, Co. Mayo
(Sorry Seb, this picture was taken before you kindly sponsored me requesting "all future photos on the blog will be shot from above the waist".......I think Darcy agrees with you. ;-|)   )

Stage 5 Map

Start: Co. Mayo, West Port House Caravan & Camping Park
Via: Co. Galway, Maam
Finish: Co. Galway, Salthill Caravan & Camping Park

Date: 26th August 2011
Time (in saddle): 5hrs 46min
Distance: 87miles

Today the scenery was spectacular. Mweelrea Mountains near Delphi

I didn’t having a county town to pass through today but came across Maam Tourist Information. I met Nuala Murphy who took my photo and sponsored me €6. Many thanks Nuala.

Entering Co.Galway

These orange wild flowers were everywhere today. I have found out they are called "Montbretia". More info can be found at:
With Darcy at the end of Stage 05 standing at our pitch in Salthill Caravan Park just outside Galway City.

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